Research TEAM 1 – INSERM UMR 1033

Bone, joint and muscle chronic diseases

The current challenges include the clinical application of diagnostic techniques and therapies to the real world, at a time when the osteoporosis treatment gap remains important. Specifically, we address the identification of men and women with moderately decreased BMD, although they represent the major part of the burden of fracture, using biomarkers approaches. We want to demonstrate that treating this category would be efficacious and cost-effective, using current well established therapies.

We continue to explore the pathophysiology of bone diseases and their interactions with other systems. Therfore we have developed a large program on the role of gut microbiota in the pathogenesis of postmenopausal osteoporosis.

One of the main causes of fracture – beyond bone fragility – is fall. Therefore, we are conducting a research program on sarcopenia – a strong predictor of fall – examining its risk factors, pathophysiology and the role of exercise to curb this condition. This program on fall also involves biomechanics studies and modeling.

Osteoarthritis, one of the main drivers of the disease burden in adults older than 60, is studied through a cohort study of hand osteoarthritis. We also study its pathophysiology, along biochemical investigations looking at biomarkers of disease progression and burden.

Rare bone diseases represent a subtantial part of our research effort. We are also exploring the epidemiology, natural history of fibrous dysplasia of bone (FRANCEDYS Cohort). We also test new biomarkers and this disease and we have conducted clinical trials to improve the treatment of this disease. In parallel, we work on the pathophysiology of osteogenesis imperfecta and clinical trials to treat this disease.

Hopital Edouard Herriot – Pavillon F
5 place d’Arsonval, 69003 Lyon
Phone: +33 (0)4 72 11 74 86